Jimmer's All Stars-Let's be honest, I've never cared about Jimmer a day of my life... Did I watch a single BYU basketball game last year? Nope! But, my roommate and I got discount tickets for the All-Star game. Legit? Yes!!! NBA basketball all stars, who could ask for more? Compared to high school basketball (which is all I've ever watched) it was magical. Am I obsessed with Jimmer? Not in the slighest. BUT! I do feel like a true BYU student now.
Cafe Rio-Dacy came down from USU and so I had lunch with her and Lauren. I won't lie, I still have a hard time accepting that they used to be my complete enemies. But times have changes :) And who doesn't love Cafe Rio???
BYU vs. UCF Football game- Since when does Bec care about football? Well, pretty much since 3 weeks ago. Do I understand it? Not on my own... but I love it! It's so much easier to understand when you're actually there. And! My tickets were on the third row! That's right, THIRD! And we won :) We forgive and forget, right? Well...some day we'll forget the Utah game...
General Relief Society Broadcast-I won't lie, I was INCREDIBLY tired through the entire thing. I managed to stay awake and get some pretty legit insights. President Uchtdorf is about as good as it gets!
Back yard bon fire- So.... I seem to have an addiction. To fire... What can I say, it's a problem. I got to go home for the first time since school started. I will NEVER get sick of going home! I had a fire in my backyard under a blanket of beautiful stars (I miss them so dearly!). Better yet, three of my very best friends from high school were there. Did it last til 4 am? There's a pretty good possibility! But you know how I live for those deep conversations that only come late into the night. Thanks Marie, Rachel, and Ryan
Jimmy's Farewell-Best. Farewell. EVER! Seriously, he's on his way to be the next General Authority. I was BLOWN away by the words he spoke and the spirit he facilitated. Washington won't know what 'em! Bonus: I got to see a ton of friends from high school, including my Snow College roommates! Not to mention my incredible family
Prank Wars: It's still in it's weak stages, but we're getting there. After printing look alike pictures of some guys in our ward, Bret's car got seran wrapped. So we decided to go to their apartment and steal all their chairs. Well, their roommate kind of gave them to us...we're innocent! After being invaded, we finally signed a peace treaty involving stuffed wolves and cheesecake. We'll see if they follow through.
BYU Police Beat-A beautiful discovery has been made in "The Daily Universe"! The BYU police report!!! Does it get better? I think not! Here are just a few examples:
- A student reported his backpack stolen. He found it later.
- A man claimed another man rammed him with a stroller at the bus stop. He believed the other man was cutting in line. The matter is under investigation.
- A student through he found his stolen bike by the Kimball Tower. Officers checked the serial number and determined it was not his bike.
- There was a call reporting two suspicious people sleeping on a sidewalk. Officers arrived and discovered they were not sleeping and were not on the sidewalk. They were lying on the grass talking to each other
Graded paper-I wrote a paper with absolutely no idea what I was doing. I received it back with the remarks " Absolutely perfect! This is brilliant!" I guess I'll take what I can get!
Speaker Phone Call-There is nothing better than getting a phone call from two of your previous roommates on speaker phone. Emily and Sarah, I love you a lot! It definitely made my life complete to hear from those two beautiful souls again.
Roommate dinner-Whoever made the decision that it was okay for us to be in public together was terribly wrong! We went to Olive Garden for Natalie's birthday. As a result, we completely creeped out one of the waiters by talking about him every time he passed, and once while he was standing right next to us. SOOO worth it!
Provo Temple-I decided to be a good student and get my homework done early so I could go to the temple. I still feel super awkward there with missionaries flooding that place, especially having 4 friends in the MTC. But I absoutely love that temple and being able to do baptisms. After watching 17 miracles last night (which my next door neighbor was in! Woot!) I realized one again that I am incredibly blessed beyond all comprehension.
So there you have it! Definitely a week to remember! And one cannot forget that question I was asked today in class. "Will you please grade our unicorns and tell us which one is better?" Why yes, don't mind if I do! And tomorrow I not only get to wake up to my "Friday" alarm (a personal favorite), but I also have my Oakcrest reunion!!! WAHOO! I cannot wait! You may be thinking to yourself, "Dude, Bec's life must stink if she's looking for such pathetic things to enjoy" Well, let's be honest. You're probably right. But at least I'm happy :)
Glad you've come around... Basketball will be the means by which world peace will be established, that's why the Lord has put hoops in EVERY church. haha